Profit-Boost for manufacturers of electric devices / equipment during dynamic times


23. January 2024 10:00 - 11:00 CET

The last years have been highly challenging for manufacturers of electric devices / equipment. Highly volatile costs and shortage of products have led to strong price increases in the market.
Yet the tides are changing and while demand is partially diminishing pricing becomes much more dynamic / transactional. Price no longer (only) go upwards. Ignoring this dynamic and its implication for sales & pricing can prove dangerous.
Due to strong price increases of the last years sales has partially lost the ‘feeling’ for sensible prices in the market. Also, product prices that were increased multiple times may no longer be in the correct position and must be optimized.
Again pricing as the key profit driver is often neglected but is key to retaining profitability.

Utilizing years of specific industry/project experience regarding pricing and sales we provide you with pragmatic idea.

Exciting webinar content with practical relevance

The following questions will be answered in our 60-minute live webinar:

  • What general methods are there to (re)price products based on their nature (e.g. innovation vs. product family)
  • How can discounts be managed in this dynamic environment (e.g. sales guidance)?
  • How can sales be optimally prepared and guided to ensure optimal negotiation results?

For this purpose, we invite you to join our free live webinar!

Each participant can submit individual questions in advance or to discuss them directly in the webinar.

If you have any questions before or after the webinar, please feel free to contact our expert Michael Fechner (Partner) at any time. You can reach on +49 176-133 27 118 or by e-mail: .

PS: The webinar will be after the SPS but Michael is more than happy to meet you on site in Nuremberg to discuss current industry challenges in pricing and sales on Wednesday the 15th of November! Simply message him (see above)

Register now

Michael Fechner

+49 176 133 27 118
Michael Fechner is Partner at Prof. Roll & Pastuch. For more than 18 years he consults international corporations and medium-sized companies world-wide. Before joining Roll & Pastuch, he worked as a project manager at Simon-Kucher & Partners and spent several years in London. His focus is on price management, sales and strategy. To support companies in these areas Mr. Fechner publishes articles, conducts seminars and speaks at various events.